Enviros provide the most relevant and precise data for hydrocarbon prospection with its specialist geochemical exploration and seep hunting services, which range from survey, design, project management, field acquisition of cores, conventional and specialist laboratory testing through to final integrated and interpretative report.

Geophysics can be offered to optimise sample collection points on the sea floor, maximising the chances of sampling an active seep. Using deep water multibeam, water column imaging for active seep assessment, and hull mounted pinger arrays for mapping any macro features such as pockmarks, scarps, surface and subsurface faults and mud volcanoes can be proactively identified. Heat flow measurements can also be offered for regional scale investigations.

Our Geochemical Services include:

  • Macro-seepage geochemical surveys to predict quantity of hydrocarbon to be obtained and characterize exploration target prior to drilling;
  • Micro-seepage geochemical surveys to detect and map seeps and to relate them to subsurface prospects;
  • Combined geochemical and environmental surveys;
  • Seabed mapping integrated with geophysical survey;
  • Heat flow surveys;
  • Sampling and testing.